Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hello and welcome to the RRFM blog!

My name is Nicole and I’m the newest addition to the wonderful team of volunteers that helps run this market. I’m very excited to be a part of this and get to know all of you that make the market so special!

A bit about me: I study Food and Nutrition at Ryerson, so of course I’m always cooking and baking. I haven’t had a functional oven for the last two years, but my apartment recently go an upgrade so I have been making so many fun dishes. From lasagne, to eggplant parmesan, to carrot cake loaf, the possibilities feel endless. I truly didn’t know how much good food I was missing out on (or, maybe, I just didn’t want to think about it.) I like to be active so in the summer months you can catch me hiking almost every single weekend and as many weeknights as I can, and in the winter I like to keep things inside so I do a lot of yoga. Buuuut I did get a pair of hockey skates as a present recently so you just might catch me doing laps before and after the market at Campbell Park rink.

I heard about the RRFM through a former-roommate but still very good friend of mine. She was new to the city and so was actively exploring what it had to offer more than I was, and stumbled upon it online! She thought “cool! I love free stuff” and went to it. When I came home later that night, I opened up the freezer to grab some pierogies and there was a baseball cap in there. After some laughing, she explained that she had gotten it from a market and it was a method she read about online to kill any germs or bacteria it might be harbouring. This seemed questionable (fact-check this before you rely on this method!!) but she went on to tell me all about the market and the cool things she found there! I went next month, found some great items and loved it.

If YOU are interested in coming – the next market will be on March 7th! It’s always the first Saturday of every month, but just in case you forget, I’ll be putting out a reminder here on the blog a couple of days before.

All the best, and if you see me (or any other volunteers) don’t be shy to say hi!


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