CURRENT LIST (as of August 12) RRFM @Home Edition August 15 & 16, 2020 Saturday & Sunday SATURDAY: Hemford Crescent and Duncairn Road (nearest major intersection -- Don Mills Road and Lawrence Avenue East) 9 am to end of day 50 Edgecombe avenue (Avenue road and lawrence- south of lawrence, west of avenue road on west side) 10 am to 2 pm Laurel Ave between Bloor St and Burnhamthorpe Rd, Etobicoke (Nearest major intersection Blood and East Mall) 10 am to end of day 150 Hampton Ave (100 m south of Danforth Ave, near Chester station) 11 am to end of day 138 Albany Avenue (Nearest major intersection Bathurst and Bloor) 9:30 am to end of day
Marian Engel park, which is between Shaw and Christie, and Davenport and Dupont (south of Davenport, north of Dupont)
10:00 am to 3:00 pm SUNDAY: Keele Street between Bloor and Glenlake (Nearest major intersection Bloor and Keele) 10 am to end of day 150 Hampton Ave (100 m south of Danforth Ave, near Chester station) 12 noon to 4 pm 